01 February 2008

today i am the cat lady

there are hundreds of cats staring at me. hundreds. what is it about cat people? not only are framed photos of their own cats sufficient, they need a wall of cat clippings. if i think too much about the cats, i get a little paranoid.

i am sitting at the desk of a cat lady. and, wandering around, looking for a paper to read while "my" students busily work away, i realized something. i am totally disposable. that's the idea of a substitute teacher. relationships can scarcely be more temporal than that of a student and a substitute teacher. the growth over a year is invisible. even though kids from past classes are excited to see my in the building, personalities boil down to single 50-minute periods.


"you're living in transition, don't worry about it." that addage only works for so long. really, what isn't transitional? for some reason, with 15 minutes left of the school day, i've allowed my mind to slip into the seemingly weekly existential crisis. where is the purpose? i like the fact that there's decreased responsibility in this floating ms. humm business. but, like so much else in my life, i am waiting for it to stick. joanna summed this up perfectly on her blog. "it is sort of depressing to be surrounded by photos of people you may never see everyday ever again."

so. for now, i am the cat lady. tomorrow. good question.


Ashlee said...

I'm a mom like every other day and I watch cooking shows while the kids are sleeping...that is, when I'm not cleaning and/or doing laundry. For real.

Later cat lady.


Jo said...

i feel honored to have been quoted in a posting adjacent to barack obama's photo. just wait until you start feeling settled and miss that transitory existence.