04 June 2007

sunset tree (subtitled: that which will be missed & all things go)

i have a final stack of papers. one. 17 papers until i am done teaching at woodstock. i love these dramatic moments. and i consistently manufacture them to remind myself what things mean to me. it hasn't always been perfect. but there is much that will be missed. poker nights. walks to school when the green of the trees and vines seems like it can be tasted. driving a motorcycle, near-life experiences around each curve, all the babies in this world with whom i am madly in love, kids in uniform running down the road on their way to school, holy cows, unpredictability, samosas, dosas and all things delicious... the high or accomplishing anything while running errands because certain elements decrease expectations... man. there's a lot to miss...

and i am crying. big surprise that is. well. only 1 more week of thinking about goodbyes. not that this will be emotional.

"some moments last forever, but some flare up with love love love." ~ THE MOUNTAIN GOATS "love love love"

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

those kids are freakin cute. can you fit one of them into your backpack for the travel extravaganza? who won poker? or is that an irrelevant question?

hope your having a superb day today.


p.s. your blog inspires me to think about my own time abroad elapsing...now is when i need to appreciate it!