19 June 2007


it all started over a week ago. the string of days that were set aside for transition and closure. these words are silly. but that's what last classes with oh the places you'll go!, and final assemblies, graduation, parent's dinner, baccalaureate, staff banquet and airport goodbyes are. don't fight it. it's the truth. i have nothing to really say about the last week. it is sad to greet change in things that you love. but it's life. when you love things, it's sad to see them move away and change. there is mourning to be done for the beauty in the everyday. but not too much. i am still trying to embrace that part.
driving to the airport with brian encapsulated the way i've felt driving ever person i've ever loved to the airport (not that this has happened that much as i am usually the one leaving)- i've wanted time to stop. i told him this and he thought for a moment. finally, he said, "i've thought about a saying that captures this place. and it's chaltehe. it goes." and so it goes. despite emotionality or fighting against it. it goes and i hope that the most important things stay. that's it. chaltehe.


Ashlee said...

i had a dream last night about killing a huge fuzzy spider that was dragging around a huge insect on a string. what could that mean? also, i know that india is "hotter than god", but i'm sure japan is a close second. i'm freaking out with no A/C this time around.

hope you are happy today ms. humm.

love, ms. duimstra

Brenda Ann Elizabeth McKinney said...

The sari is stunning! i love the color! looks like good times:)