04 April 2007

out of style (subtitled: i think this is what i looked like in high school)

okay. i may have never exceeded 2 blogs in a day. though i have said little, the sheer number of posts illustrates the deadly combination of sun, jenell's upcoming visit and a bit of leftover hangover. i have nothing to say. except i just judged MYSELF for not having enough friends on facebook. additionally, people, can you not find ONE picture of yourself without your significant other for your facebook, blogspot, myspace profile? can you not tear yourself out of the "we" definition long enough to (gasp!) be in a frame solo?

in other news, i have lost all self-respect.


molly g. said...

anna valento is my significant other...is it okay if WE'RE in pictures together on facebook?

Molly Woods said...

dear countney this has actually been one of my recent ponderings. I feel this couple photo phenomenon is a recent occurence. I, too, at first was put off by people's lack of independence or whatever you want to call it. I now have come to terms with it being an affirming positive for people. I look at it now as people who are proud of their relationship status and feel comfortable in sharing. but who knows maybe they are all just sheeples. ;) talk to ya soon girly. maybe you should freakin' skype with me sometime. huh??