12 July 2006

mcdonaldization of society

i never eat at mcdonald’s in the united states. when i opt for fast food i typically patronize wendy’s or subway. much of the time, i hate the effect of mcdonald's on american and international society. however, my personal relationship with mcdonald’s in other countries is another story all together (a.k.a. not taking into account the big picture). my interactions with the golden arches and other similarly western chains (the hard rock cafe, t.g.i. fridays, etc.) in my time abroad is exhibited below. though this sequence is not a fool proof evolution of life in a foreign setting, it seems fitting approximately 76% of the time (99% error).

1. you will not eat at mcdonald’s under any circumstances.
2. you will eat at mcdonald’s only out of comfort. even if you never eat there in the united states, the golden arches somehow instigate a feeling of security in the foreign land. however, you will feel guilt and will likely keep your culinary experience a secret.
3. you will eat at mcdonald’s without remorse. you realize mcdonald’s is it’s own cultural experience. though it is not sushi or tandoori chicken or even plantains, it is unique in and of itself. you realize that mcdonald's will exist with or without your patronage. you will note the people who frequent the establishment. you’ll notice that the menu has slight variations. veggie burgers in india. the ecuadorian kfc has replaced mashed potatoes with rice. dominoes in india boasts tandoori chicken and veggie masala pizza. but the hard rock cafe in tokyo DOES have outstanding margaritas and sangria.

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

no shame in that my friend, no shame in that at all. i feel as though i am caught between the second and third stages. i tend to feel more guilty if a) there are homeless people/beggers outside, b) i am the biggest person in the restaurant and i want to eat a cheeseburger(i.e.japan), or c) the "cultural experiences" thing in general.

i miss you already. thanks for sharing yourself with me.
