15 May 2006

nomadic tendencies

i have a habit of putting entirely too much time into posts. i only have 11 minutes, so this is some sort of test. like one of those math time tests, if you will. god, i hated the division ones.

in the past week and a half i have become addicted to many of my old vices-- caramel lattes, guacamole, red wine, barnes and noble, driving-too-much-depsite-the-gas-prices, staying up til 2 am doing nothing in particular, watching hours of grey's anatomy (recorded in my absence by the best mom ever, robyn topic-humm), expensive long distance phone calls and an inability to remain in the same place for too long (funded, continually, by ronald j. humm). today i leave dreary minnesota to visit beth in colorado and consequently on to new york where i intend to pretend i am a wealthy, big-sunglass-wearing upper west side sex and the city wannabe. i can't believe i just used the word "wannabe." if my links would work, i would link the lyrics to "the world at large."

i can be encapsulated by my drive on friday. led out of the way by a confusing detour, listening to music with the windows down despite the rain. at times, the unplanned route would have stressed me out to a neurotic extent and the rain would have gotten my goad times a million (i really do have some midwestern tendencies). but not that day. unforseen, but perfect.


Izzy said...

ah...sounds refreshing. enjoy it! soak enough up for not only you, but also me.

(that is supposed to say isaac)

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time. Make sure to give me a call when you are around Shak-town. As so am I. If you don't have my number - my parents do. And I know you'll know how to track them down until the end of the earth MEGAN

Ashlee said...

"that really gets my goad" is right up there with "don't bust my chops"--love it. enjoy america my friend.

miss you.