this morning i was on a war path to dive into work. real work. not researching songs to learn on the guitar or browsing blogs. i pinpoint the following reasons for the bastardization of my plan.
1) no iPod to insulate me from the staff workroom. i don't have it for
one day and my brain is spinning in hindi, kid, hiking, french, etc. conversations in the teacher's lounge. dear brian, i blame you.
2) sepsis of the brain deriving from another bacterial infection in my stomach (dave, am i using this term correctly :) ).
3) google images. always on the list of reasons why ms. humm is not an efficient worker.
4) i can't stop thinking about my rock star costume and the accompanying halloween blizzard of 1991. i am obsessed with the idea of trying to go trick or treating with my extremely limited hindi vocabulary. i would probably at least get a cup of tea, so much better than those damn black and orange peanut butter candies old people give out.
5) i also can't stop thinking about these sex bears. story: i love playing the claw game. you know, the one with the stuffed animals you can win. once i was trying to win either a harry potter or a scooby doo. and i got this stupid pink bear instead. to my surprise, as the claw lifted the pink bear, a blue one followed. i was puzzled by the two bears, seemingly connected at the crotch by a string. i pulled the bears apart in the perkins waiting area and the bears started vibrating, moving toward one another and avowing "darling, i love you."
6) the other 15% of my brain is pondering italian cuisine, indian beaches, the
thriller dance in the micheal jackson video, what is for lunch, watching scooby doo episodes in my mind, ways to tie halloween into the study of world history, where i could find a pumpkin to carve, why scan tron sheets can't read pen markings, what the phrase, "golly, ned" means, what my face would look like with cheekbones, the meaning of halloween and why it originated, the
ghostbuster theme song, what ligers do in the wild, if j.d. salinger is still alive and secretly writing somewhere, possible halloween costumes, including how i could dress as a giant bacteria, the possibility of jet packs in the future and why my cup of coffee is being used for good rather than evil in the firing of synapses.
a legitimate blog documenting my life in india is to follow. this has been diarrhea of the mouth from courtney "danger" humm.
happy halloween everyone.